The Noticing Guide

I discovered that when I really “noticed” something, I was immediately in a state of conscious awareness. Since then, I have lived it. I’ve written a book, The Power of Noticing, about what I’ve discovered because I find noticing both fascinating and enabling of easier passage through my days. 

Noticing is less intimidating and more accessible than what can sometimes be served up in the deep and wide categories of mindfulness and meditation. But noticing is perhaps most accessible and useful for being mindful in the moment of “right now.” Think of noticing as immediate mindfulness.

Jon Kabat-Zinn, a pioneer in both meditation and mindfulness, said meditation involves “…purposefully refining our capacity for paying attention.” He described the two levels of meditation as concentration and mindfulness.

By cultivating paying attention, you can become less reactive and agitated. That’s the concentration aspect. Second, if you bring a certain kind of open, moment-to-moment, nonjudgmental awareness to what you’re attending to, you’ll begin to develop a more penetrative awareness that sees beyond the surface of what’s going on. This is the mindfulness aspect. Mindfulness makes it possible to “notice” connections that before may not have been obvious or clear. 

Although he is describing meditation, within it, there is a basic definition of noticing: “Noticing is bringing nonjudgmental awareness to what you’re attending to while effortlessly seeing beyond the surface of what’s going on.”

I believe in what Rumi, a 13th-century Sufi mystic and poet, said about the value of a teacher, “Whoever enters the Way without a guide will take a hundred years to travel a two-day journey.” Shortcuts can be more direct routes, and guides can ease the process. My offer is to be your unofficial noticing coach as I offer my thoughts in The Noticing Guide. Simply subscribe to only receive links to my Noticing Guide blogs as they are posted. 

The Noticing Blog

A Noticing Thought – Are You Human(e)?

 “The greatness of humanity is not in being human but in being humane.”  Notice who you are being when you are humane and when you ...
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A Noticing Thought – More Aware Than Unaware

Noticing is a choice to be more aware than unaware. It requires being actively present, still, and withholding situational assessments such as judgments, labels, and ...
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A Noticing Thought – The Noticing Space

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and ...
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A Noticing Thought – Noise Gets in the Way

Noise wearies and sickens but reassures us. We can fall into a dull, insistent uneasiness. The agitation becomes a tranquilizer, a sedative, forming a sort ...
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A Noticing Thought – You Always Remain

“Noticing” is natural and simple, yet is the gateway to awareness. Rupert Spira is a leading spiritual guide in the nondual world. I greatly admire ...
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A Noticing Thought – Living is Only Now

“We are taught to superimpose the past on the present and the future, and so we lose the excitement, the newness, of the moment. It ...
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