A Noticing Thought – You Always Remain

“Noticing” is natural and simple, yet is the gateway to awareness. Rupert Spira is a leading spiritual guide in the nondual world. I greatly admire his ability to take concepts, including consciousness, and make them simply relatable. He wrote, “Awareness is not a new experience but rather something we have simply overlooked due to our fascination with the drama of thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions.” He recently spoke about noticing and consciousness.

“A thought appears, you know [notice] it. It disappears. You remain.

A sensation appears. You know [notice] it. It disappears. You remain.

The sound of an airplane appears. You know [notice] it. The sound disappears. You remain.

Thoughts, images, sensations, and perceptions come and go. [You notice them coming and going.] You remain.

You are ‘that’ which knows or is aware of your experience in the forms of thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions.”

Take a moment to relate to the part of you that remains. Even if you cannot pinpoint its location, it is the awareness that is present no matter where your mind, body, or others are trying to take you. When you are aware of this awareness you have found consciousness. No thinking is required. In fact, you will discover awareness in the gaps between your thoughts. What you may perceive there as nothing, could be everything, as in life’s peaceful constant when we quiet the noise.

(Excerpted from my forthcoming book Noticing.)

~Will Keiper 

The Noticing Guide


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